Sunday, June 24, 2007

To all,

Jackson got off on his plane to Babuka's (AKA Grandma) safe and sound. It was tough for Mom to see the little guy without us for the first time. Thankfully Jackson is easily distracted and the anticipation of seeing his newest Pokemon video made him quite happy to be going to Babuka's plus the anticipation of seeing all the family up North, going to Art School for three weeks and the rest of the Summer Adventures planned.

We made it to Amsterdam this afternoon. It has been raining the entire time, however, we were able to successfully maneauver the train, tram and the short walk to the hotel. Andy, however, did not fair so well on the plane, those long legs are clearly a drag when flying and he is trying to work out the crammed feeling.

KLM was not the most organized and when we were waiting for our luggage Andy was convinced that our luggage went somewhere without us (you have to know that I would have non-of that non-sense talk). So, when the luggage arrived (surprise) Andy had to admit already that I was right and that all would work out fine.

I have ventured out on my own (not something I usually would do) obviously found an internet cafe and was able to navigate the internet in Dutch since there is no English on google here (thankfully the buttons are all in the same places).

We are hoping to be able to hook up with my first cousin at some point this evening and enjoy a pleasant dinner.

This thought is for Peggy and any other shoe fanatics. In your honor Peggy I have already bought one pair of shoes and spotted a hot pair of boots for serious consideration.

We will be taking our flight to Kiev tomorrow afternoon and our appointment regarding the adoption is on June 27th.

Audrey & Andy

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